COVID-19 – January 2021 Update
– Covid-19 Workplace Risk Assessment
Despite restrictions and the current lockdown, both our UK sites are operating as normal.
We have all faced disruption as a result of Covid-19 but our outstanding teams at our New Mills and Keighley sites have thrived under difficult circumstances to continue serving our customers.
Over the last few months, we have seen an increase in demand for our products and our staff have risen to the challenge to ensure our orders are reaching customers as soon as possible.
Our staff are on hand to support you during these tough times, so please feel free to continue getting in touch regarding your projects and any other enquiries.
We continue to operate according to the Government’s ‘Five Steps to Safer Working Together’ and putting in these practices and more across our sites.
Throughout the pandemic, safety has always been our top priority and we are proud to have procedures in place to ensure staff are confident about coming into a safe working environment.
✔ We have carried out a COVID-19 risk assessment and shared the results with the people who work here
✔ We have cleaning, handwashing and hygiene procedures in line with guidance
✔ We have taken all reasonable steps to help people work safely from a COVID-19 Secure workplace or work from home
✔ We have taken all reasonable steps to maintain a 2m distance in the workplace
✔ Where people cannot keep 2m apart we have ensured at least a 1m distance and taken all the mitigating actions possible to manage transmission risk